Si ma intorc de unde am plecat. Defapt de la mood-ul initial al serii si care m-a purtat usor printre randuri de text pe monitor spre miscarea a doua (Larghett0) a concertului pentru pian si orchestra in fa minor al lui Chopin, acolo unde cuvintele nu-si mai au rostul si melancolia iti intra in oase. Pentru a reveni apoi in lumea versurilor si a ma regasi in atmosfera nostalgica si cetos-misterioas, dar rece si tivita cu regrete a piesei My Ashes de la Porcupine Tree. Un album mai slab din punct de vedere melodic decat Deadwing dupa parerea mea, Fear of a Blank Planet se digera greu dar strabate prin mesajul puternic, o sinteza asupra unei lumi muribunde. In incercarile mele de a face un portret al lucrurilor care merg rau in lumea (post-)moderna, am esuat comparativ cu simplitatea versurilor lui Steve Wilson. La 40 de ani si dupa 17 ani de cariera cu formatia sa, formele se contureaza tot mai clar si concluziile se incheaga mai lesne. Iata cad in pacatul citarii integrale a unei piese pe blog, dar numai pentru a exemplifica si a-mi sustine elogiul, iar apoi va las sa va delectati cu tarele sociale ale prezentului si efectul lor asupra noastra si a copiilor ce sunt si ce vor fi.
All the things that I needed
I wasted my chances
I have found myself wanting
When a mother and father
Gave me their problems
I accepted them all
Nothing ever expected
I was rejected
But I came back for more
And my ashes drift beneath the silver sky
Where a boy rides on a bike and never smiles
And my ashes fall over all the things we've said
On a box of photographs under the bed
I will stay in my own world
Under the covers
I will feel safe inside
The kiss that will burn me
Cure me of dreaming
I was always returning
And my ashes find a way beyond the fog
And return to save the child that I forgot
And my ashes fade among the things unseen
And a dream plays in reverse on piano keys
And my ashes drop upon a park in Wales
Never-ending clouds of rain, and distant sails... distant sails
I wasted my chances
I have found myself wanting
When a mother and father
Gave me their problems
I accepted them all
Nothing ever expected
I was rejected
But I came back for more
And my ashes drift beneath the silver sky
Where a boy rides on a bike and never smiles
And my ashes fall over all the things we've said
On a box of photographs under the bed
I will stay in my own world
Under the covers
I will feel safe inside
The kiss that will burn me
Cure me of dreaming
I was always returning
And my ashes find a way beyond the fog
And return to save the child that I forgot
And my ashes fade among the things unseen
And a dream plays in reverse on piano keys
And my ashes drop upon a park in Wales
Never-ending clouds of rain, and distant sails... distant sails